Was Audrey/Aiden Hale Evil?

To avoid a descent into disorder and chaos, we must confront evil.  Evil is defined as “immoral” and “wicked”.   People conduct evil:  immorally reprehensible acts intended to harm other people.  Ever since Cain slew Abel, men – and women – have been killing one another.  Why?

A June 10, 2021 article in Psychology Today, “What Actually Is Evil? And What Makes People Carry Out Evil Acts?”, author Ralph Lewis, M.D., says that “there are four major root causes of evil:

  1. The simple desire for material gain
  2. Threatened egotism
  3. Idealism: “Noble ends are often seen as justifying violent means”
  4. The pursuit of sadistic pleasure.”

He goes on to comment that “A disproportionate amount of violence and crime in societies is perpetrated by the small minority of people with antisocial personality traits.”  Interpersonal violence, he says, is “often carried out by people acting impulsively, fearfully, insecurely, passionately, vengefully, or misguidedly” and  that “only some violence is premeditated, calculated, or predatory”.

Characteristics of a Mass-Shooter

A review of perpetrators of mass-shootings in the U.S. reveals some common attributes:

  • The shooter is intent on causing as much mayhem as possible
  • The shooter targets “Gun-Free zones” (no on-site resistance)
  • The shooter reviews information from previous mass-shooting events
  • The shooter pre-plans the event, often for months
  • The shooter writes a manifesto and/or publishes comments on social media or to friends
  • The shooter procures the tools needed to carry out his/her plan, frequently well in advance of the event
  • The shooter exhibits antisocial tendencies, is often known to be troubled
  • The shooter plans to die in the event

Taken together, these attributes paint a picture of an opportunist who wants no one to interfere with his/her plan.  They have carefully researched their target; they have gone over and over their plan; they have written their statement for the world to read (posthumously) and they are prepared to die in order to put their personal stamp on the face of history at the expense of their casualties.  By definition, their actions are evil:  premeditated, calculated and predatory.

Whatever story eventually unfolds about Audrey/Aiden Hale, watch the videos that have been released, and read what  we know about her.  This event was not impulsive.  She certainly was not fearful when she shot out the doors to the school.  She was not insecure when she began roaming the halls, firing at will.

We can never know what is in another person’s mind and what struggles they are dealing with.  But we CAN judge their actions.  Audrey/Aiden Hale’s actions were the embodiment of evil.  Six people—three children—paid with their lives.  Countless others have been significantly impacted.  Thank God the teachers and staff had prior active-shooter training and locked the school down effectively.  Thank God the Nashville Police got there quickly and reacted decisively, professionally and with resolve.

Evil lives among us.  Evil is only stopped by prepared good men and women who will confront it.  Join IFC — the good men and women of Iowa Firearms Coalition.

Read the blog later this week for a discussion about why we need to have trained and willing people on-site, at the schools, ready to stop these threats.