IFC Hit the Ground Running

IFC hit the ground running today on behalf of its members! Today, January 8th, marked the first day of the 2024 Legislative Session at the Capitol, and IFC was there. More specifically, our esteemed volunteer Lobbyist, Richard Rogers was there. If you are a member and have not yet met Richard, be sure to introduce yourself at the upcoming 2A Day at the Capitol. Richard RogersRichard is a fixture at the Capitol during the legislative session, always working to further our goals. He also works hard for IFC members throughout the year, as do all of our Board members.  Richard focuses on building relationships with legislators and helping to bring them up to speed on Second Amendment issues.   He religiously follows Second Amendment court cases and posts frequently, not only to bring them to your attention but also to explain why they are important to all of us who are concerned and involved in 2A issues. He’s very active on Facebook so be sure to follow him there.

Richard was joined today by Chris Lee, representing the National Shooting Sports Foundation, our close friend and ally. NSSF is also very active at the Iowa State Legislature, protecting and furthering our Second Amendment rights.  Here is a link to a short video they recorded today while at the Capitol, discussing the legislative focus for NSSF this year.

If you want an update on IFC’s legislative agenda (indeed, on “all things IFC”), be sure to attend the 2A Lobby Day at the Capitol, being held this year on Thursday, January 18th. We are starting in the morning this year, so be sure to get there by 9:00 a.m. — there will be a shuttle from the parking area, as in the past. You will have the opportunity then to meet our event Sponsors and some of our Trusted Partners. Check out the discounts or special offers available to you as an IFC member.

The official program begins at 10:00 a.m. until noon. It is during this time that you will hear about IFC’s legislative proposals for 2024, some of which are carried forward from efforts that began last year. You will also have the opportunity to hear from our featured speaker, Gabby Franco, a Top Shot contender. Gabby represented Venezuela in the Olympics; in fact, she was the first woman Olympian for that country in shooting sports. She eventually left Venezuela, largely because of their prohibition against civilian gun ownership, and became a U.S. citizen. She has written a book, TroubleShooting, and is a highly acclaimed firearms instructor. She also speaks to groups around the country about what it is like to LOSE your right to keep and bear arms. Her message is sobering and should be a wake-up call to all of us.

After the program, you will have an opportunity to meet with your legislators, if you like.  IFC volunteers can walk you through the process, which is really easy.  Legislators pay attention when a constituent shows up at ‘their house’ to talk to them.

So, What Does Our Lobbyist Do For IFC?

The work of a lobbyist is NOT easy. Every single person who approaches a legislator wants something. Lobbyists must build and maintain relationships with an ever-changing slate of legislators and often must bring the newly elected legislators up to speed on Second Amendment issues. This includes education about the constitutional protections we have, about ongoing court cases, as well as about proposed legislation.

There is immense competition for legislators’ time and Second Amendment issues can be very detailed and contentious. You should be very grateful that Richard is willing to continue this work for all of us — he’s been doing it for many, many years. If you do run into him at 2A Lobby Day, be sure to shake his hand, and thank him for his tireless service.

Unable to get to the event at the Capitol?  Then join us for the evening IFC-PAC Supper! The prime rib dinner is being served up at the Za-Ga-Zig Shrine in Altoona, from 5:30 – 9:00 p.m.  There, you will hear again from our featured speaker, Gabby Franco, with a more in-depth and personal telling of her story.  You will also hear from the folks on the IFC Board.  This is where you will get the “inside scoop” about why certain legislation is being proposed, what we’re trying to accomplish for our members — in fact, for all Iowa gun owners — and some of the strategy necessary to accomplish these goals. 

The first time I attended 2A Lobby Day and then the IFC-PAC Dinner, I thought it was strange that they had the same featured speaker for both events. However, having attended both events the past three years, I can tell you that the evening event is ALWAYS riveting. The speakers are free to truly tell their stories at the evening event. They aren’t standing in the Rotunda of the State Capitol. Everyone who attends the Supper is a “friendly”; there is no reason to be cautious about what they are saying and they aren’t as constrained by a tight schedule. It’s a much more casual gathering.  Good food, good content, good people and good fun.  Your only requirement?  Show Up!  (Especially all you women shooters.  I KNOW you’re out there!)

Your “To-Do” List!

  • Attend the 2A Lobby Day at the Capitol, if you can. We must make an impression on the Legislature and strength is shown through the number of people who show up and voice their concern for Second Amendment issues. When our loud voices ring through the Rotunda, you can bet it gets the legislators’ attention! As you know, we face constant opposition. The legislators need to see our members and hear from them.
  • Join your friends, or make new ones, at the IFC-PAC Supper that evening! It truly is a fun event, as well as being informative! Click here for Tickets
  •  Find Richard Rogers at one of these events and tell him just how much you appreciate what he does for us. His job is often thankless! 🙂

Happy New Year!

Second Amendment Matters