Gun Control Buried in the $1.2T Spending Bill vs IA Gadsden Plate?  What does that headline mean?  Well, let’s break this down into two contrasting components to illustrate a succinct point.

First, you have the Fox News Report pointing to $12,500,000.00 for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) study called the “Prevent Firearm Injury and Mortality research.  Of course NIH is “committed to supporting scientific research to develop, evaluate, and implement effective public health interventions to better understand and prevent violence, including firearm violence, and the resulting trauma, injuries, and mortality.”  Short version?  Taxpayers are being robbed to equip the NIH (AKA big government entities) to “research” gun confiscation and the curtailment of your civil rights and liberties.

Second, you have a bill (HF2639) where people can VOLUNTARILY choose to buy a Gadsden Flag license plate where the funding is made available for grants to further 2A education.

Compare the two.  Just ONE of many monster entities with well-paid staff is rolling in money to seek and erect all new facets of gun control – not because we gave the money willingly, but because Uncle Sam took it.  Gun control is then further accomplished through policy and practices pushed through the medical community, education community, government programs, etc.  Juxtaposed to this, you have volunteer organizations, like IFC, using VOLUNTARY funds to push back on this behemoth with 2A education, grants, scholarships, etc.

If the last 20 years of 2A change in Iowa mean something to you, consider that deeply when it comes to the issue of the Gadsden plate.  To quote my friend, Dillon, “The Freedom Amendment set the tone for Iowans 2A liberties. Iowans now are DEMANDING a license plate to reflect that.”

In Libertatem,

Michael Ware
IFC Board