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THE BREAKING POINT? Are we at the legal breaking point yet? Last week's conviction of President Trump in a totally bullsh*t case is the most in-your-face move yet by the authoritarian left. What is now no longer in question is that we have a two-tiered justice system...

ELECTION SEASON 2024 It’s officially election season, 2024. Well, maybe closer to Labor Day is the official date. However, as many of you reading this know, it never really ends here in Iowa - with our First in the Nation Caucuses. (I’m sure like me you’re relieved to...

Remembering Sacrifice: Memorial Day and the Second Amendment
Remembering Sacrifice: Memorial Day and the Second Amendment By Billy Wilson, IFC Vice President As Memorial Day arrives, the nation prepares to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their country. It’s a day of solemn remembrance, a time to...

FBI: DON’T BELIEVE YOUR LYING EYES FBI: don’t believe your lying eyes! Well, it would figure that the once-revered Federal Bureau of Investigation as the 'best of the best' in America has now totally succumbed to the Obama-Biden politicization of Federal Law...

LEGAL UPDATES & IFC AT NRAAM Legal updates & IFC at NRAAM: This week's President's Message includes a couple of surprising court decisions and a heads-up that IFC will be attending the NRA Annual Meeting in Dallas this week. As President of Iowa Firearms...

The Problem with Progressive Anti-Liberty Mindset is Tyranny
Tyranny is the problem with the progressive anti-liberty mindset. Whenever possible, they employ tyranny over us with glee and enthusiasm.

NSSF News Regarding ATF
NSSF News Regarding ATF News from the NSSF reveals alarming statistics about ATF's activities. Last week, in a blog called "This is New York", we told you about Judge Darkeh who said "‘Do not bring the Second Amendment into this courtroom. It doesn’t exist here. So...

Sponsors for the 2024 GUNCON? Too Many To List!
GUNCON 2024 is happening and it isn’t too late to get your tickets and be part of the “collective” as it were…