Government experts in the various federal departments are sold to Americans as the “smartest people in the room”.

expert  –  noun:  one with the special skill or knowledge representing mastery of a particular subject

expert  –  adjective
having, involving, or displaying special skill or knowledge derived from training or experience


Let’s just look at recent history of how crappy the highly credentialed, Ivey Leaguer’s are doing these days–

  • Dr. Fauci just admitted last week in questioning before a House Panel that the entire ‘social distancing’ requirement was just made up, and that the Wuhan Lab was the source of Covid-19. He may single-handedly be responsible for the deaths of as many as twenty million people. 
  • The now Ex-President of Harvard, Claudine Gay, PhD., has been shown the door.   It turned out that not only is she an anti-Semite, but that she plagiarized much of her academic work. It sounds like Joseph Wilson (Xerox) demanding diversity hires starting in 1968 has finally come home to roost.  
  • It looks like “Mayor” Pete Buttigieg’s Federal Aviation Administration is suffering from a policy put into place during the Obama Administration.  The policy not only excluded white males from recruitment to positions as air traffic controllers, but he is now looking to recruit people with severe intellectual and psychological disabilities to the FAA workforce. And Americans are wondering why Airbus is kicking Boeing’s butt in the airplane marketplace?


These same people who have made a mess of everything they touch, want not only to allow an invasion of America’s Southern Border, but want you disarmed to boot. 

Sorry, but I am not sorry for being suspicious of anything that comes out of nearly every government agency, nor should you be. America’s Founding Fathers understood the grave danger of the government having a monopoly on power.  Today’s dangerous quacks in every department of the federal government are showing us exactly why we should be suspicious, and why that is dangerous.

I look forward to seeing you on this Thursday in Des Moines at IFC 2A Lobby Day.     




There are a few tickets left for the IFC-PAC Dinner


Help us educate Iowans on the facts by joining or renewing your IFC membership here today. And please stay Ready at All Times

Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.

Dave Funk
Iowa Firearms Coalition

Register Now for NRA-ILA Legislative Updates

Register Now for NRA-ILA Legislative Updates

Register Now for NRA-ILA Legislative Updates

Iowa Firearms Coalition members know that IFC has done a great job over the years at keeping its members aware of legislation in Iowa that affects the Second Amendment. IFC also has presented a robust slate of proposed legislation for the Iowa Legislature every year and follows all 2A bills. We have been successful in expanding Iowans’ 2A rights and also keeping bad bills from passing. This often tedious work takes a lot of hours and dedication, in every legislative session – and even between sessions.

But what about federal legislation and court cases? That is where the NRA-ILA (National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action) comes in. The reality is that if enough adverse 2A legislation is passed at a federal level, even Iowans – with our significant Second Amendment advances this past dozen years – will be adversely impacted.

What Happens on the NRA-ILA Calls?

Every year, the NRA-ILA schedules a series of calls, per region of the country, that interested people can sign up for to hear about pending court cases and federal legislation (and some state legislation) within their region. These calls are generally one hour in length and include a summary of the bills underway and an attorney’s legal analysis of the potential impact, as well as legal strategies. I have found these once-a-month calls to be very insightful.

Here is your invitation to Register Now for the upcoming NRA-ILA calls:

It’s a New Year – a huge election year – and the battle for our Second Amendment rights is more important than ever! Make plans now to attend an NRA-ILA Grassroots Webinar on January 17th, at 7:00 p.m. EST, focused on critical legal updates regarding your Second Amendment rights, and featuring NRA-ILA Director of Litigation Counsel, Mike Jean. Be sure to RSVP below for the webinar link:


The fight to protect our rights at all levels hinges on active patriots who remain educated on important Second Amendment issues. Your NRA-ILA team looks forward to sharing important updates on the battle to protect the Second Amendment in the courts, hearing your questions, as well as providing the grassroots tools you need to make your voice heard.

Stay tuned to your inbox for more on upcoming NRA-ILA Webinars! All NRA-ILA webinars are Webex based and can be accessed via desktop computer, smartphone, or via call-in. You can find more information on Webex at

We hope you’ll join us January 17th!

Yours in Freedom,

Nathan Cross
NRA-ILA Grassroots

Why It Matters

Second Amendment protections, both at federal and state levels, are under threat. As you know, there is enormous pressure, and a well-funded effort, to erase or reverse our Second Amendment rights. Some recent efforts include:

  • Efforts to restrict ammunition
  • Pressure on firearms manufacturers
  • ATF shutting down gun shops for minor clerical errors on Form 4473
  • Threats from insurers to discontinue liability coverage for firearms manufacturers, gun shops, and shooting ranges
  • Ever-changing and vague changes of regulations and penalties from the ATF, without approval by Congress – some of which (like the pistol brace debacle), carried a penalty of becoming a felon
  • Insurers declining to renew insurance for public schools that want to put in place a policy of arming select staff
  • Endless efforts by gun-control lobbies, to eliminate access to or outlaw certain firearms or accessories
  • Financial industries being asked to code all firearms-related purchase transactions with a special code to identify the purchaser
  • …and the list goes on.

We are lucky, indeed to live in the great free State of Iowa. However, the rights we enjoy today could easily be stripped away if the wrong people get elected. We must be vigilant. We must be active. We must be informed.

Register to join the NRA-ILA calls to help you better understand proposed legislation, the status of current court cases, and the impact of regulatory changes. Be active and get engaged!

The Connection Between NRA & IFC

In 2019, IFC earned the official designation of NRA State Organization status for its continuous efforts working on many Second Amendment issues through the years. We are the only Second Amendment organization in Iowa to hold this status. In 2020, IFC also earned the Outstanding State Association award from NRA.  This was followed in 2021 with the award of NRA’s Distinguished Advocate award which was bestowed upon Richard Rogers, IFC Board member and volunteer Lobbyist. 

Finally, in 2022, IFC was again awarded the Outstanding State Association award from NRA. 

You should be proud to be a part of such a great State Association.   

The success of the Freedom Amendment which passed in 2022, added 2A protections to Iowa’s State Constitution. This was the result of hard work by IFC volunteers, together with assistance from NRA-ILA.

NEXT WEEK: IFC’s Annual 2A Lobby Day at the Capitol and the IFC-PAC Supper!

Also, be sure to attend the 2A Lobby Day at the Capitol – NEXT WEEK! This free event is being held next Thursday, January 18th. Arrive by 9 am — there will be a shuttle service from the designated parking area at the Capitol — look for IFC flags.           

Meet our Event Sponsors and some of our Trusted Partners who will be on hand to show you what they are offering and to tell you about the discounts available only to IFC members.

The official program begins at 10:00 and concludes at noon. Our special guest speaker, Gabby Franco, is a treat to listen to and her harrowing tale of what happened in Venezuela, where citizens are no longer allowed to have firearms, is a sobering story that you will want to hear.

Lobby Day is a ‘show of force’ for our state legislators, emphasizing
just how important Second Amendment rights are to Iowans.

Also, that evening, beginning at 5:30, the annual IFC-PAC Supper will be held at the Za-Ga-Zig Shrine at 1100 Shriners Parkway, in Altoona. IFC is serving up a prime rib dinner with all the fixings, good company, information about current state legislation, and lots of fun (and some raffle prizes!). Gabby Franco will again be there, in a more intimate setting, to provide a deeper understanding of what prompted her to leave Venezuela and eventually become a US citizen. Get your tickets here!

You don’t want to miss these events.  We’ll see you there!

Second Amendment Matters

Run, Hide, Fight

Run, Hide, Fight


If you take “Run, Hide, Fight” training being advertised following the horrific Perry tragedy, remember this is NOT a checklist or order of operation. It’s just options. Run, Hide, Fight is a government program that is in need of some updating.

As soon as you break out of the normalcy bias and realize those are gunshots and not fireworks, you have been granted an exception to do whatever gives you the current best option for living. Rules have left the building. All options are at your disposal. Students and staff need to know this. There will be no repercussions for trashing the classroom or leaving campus as fast as your feet will carry you.

Instead of “Run” think Escape. Throw a chair through the first floor window or whatever you need to do to get everyone in your immediate care away from the bad man. We will worry about “reuniting” families later. Somebody will have a phone.

Hiding under a desk is a good way to get everyone in the classroom killed (Uvalde). I’ve participated in plenty of “ALICE” trainings and everyone hiding under tables was easily shot like sheep (with harmless nerf darts.) Was very eye-opening for the pastors and staff. Even being out of view of the window slit in the door isn’t ideal. Many have died in school shootings when the gunman simply shot randomly through the walls.

Locking out and/or barricading the entry door can slow down the bad guy. It may give you a few seconds to provide what Ed Monk calls the “welcoming party” if escape is not possible, like on the upper floors.

The “Fight” really means Eliminate or Take Out the threat. You’ve been granted full license to unleash your inner beast and violently and ruthlessly demolish the bad man with impact weapons like fire extinguishers, furniture, or that giant blue world Atlas that Mrs. Freese knocked me right out of my desk with a blow to the head in fifth grade at Glidden-Ralston. (I was selling slingshots at school and classmates were firing pencils at the overhead projector screen.). 

Read Tim Larkin “When Violence is the Answer.”

No matter what your personal decision is, several staff members need to eliminate the threat as the first option in order to prevent deaths in the precious few seconds after the killer starts. The best option with fewest casualties, and with nearly a 90% success rate when armed, is a team who are present, trained and willing. The Iowa Firearms Coalition Educator Academy was a good example.

I’ll take the cafeteria worker making peanut butter sandwiches and carrying a Glock under her smock instead of doing nothing while the body count rises every few seconds till the heroes arrive.

Yours in Freedom

John McLaughlin
Iowa Firearms Coalition

Some references lifted from Ed Monk and Chuck Haggard.

PS: We know that economic times are tough right now, but to ensure that we at IFC & IFC-PAC can keep fighting for you please purchase your tickets to the IFC PAC Prime Rib Dinner on January 18th.  Hopefully we’ll see you there, after meeting each and every one of you at IFC’s annual 2A Lobby Day that morning. 

Help us educate Iowan’s on the facts by joining or renewing your IFC membership here today. And please stay Ready at All Times.

IFC Hit the Ground Running

IFC Hit the Ground Running

IFC Hit the Ground Running

IFC hit the ground running today on behalf of its members! Today, January 8th, marked the first day of the 2024 Legislative Session at the Capitol, and IFC was there. More specifically, our esteemed volunteer Lobbyist, Richard Rogers was there. If you are a member and have not yet met Richard, be sure to introduce yourself at the upcoming 2A Day at the Capitol. Richard RogersRichard is a fixture at the Capitol during the legislative session, always working to further our goals. He also works hard for IFC members throughout the year, as do all of our Board members.  Richard focuses on building relationships with legislators and helping to bring them up to speed on Second Amendment issues.   He religiously follows Second Amendment court cases and posts frequently, not only to bring them to your attention but also to explain why they are important to all of us who are concerned and involved in 2A issues. He’s very active on Facebook so be sure to follow him there.

Richard was joined today by Chris Lee, representing the National Shooting Sports Foundation, our close friend and ally. NSSF is also very active at the Iowa State Legislature, protecting and furthering our Second Amendment rights.  Here is a link to a short video they recorded today while at the Capitol, discussing the legislative focus for NSSF this year.

If you want an update on IFC’s legislative agenda (indeed, on “all things IFC”), be sure to attend the 2A Lobby Day at the Capitol, being held this year on Thursday, January 18th. We are starting in the morning this year, so be sure to get there by 9:00 a.m. — there will be a shuttle from the parking area, as in the past. You will have the opportunity then to meet our event Sponsors and some of our Trusted Partners. Check out the discounts or special offers available to you as an IFC member.

The official program begins at 10:00 a.m. until noon. It is during this time that you will hear about IFC’s legislative proposals for 2024, some of which are carried forward from efforts that began last year. You will also have the opportunity to hear from our featured speaker, Gabby Franco, a Top Shot contender. Gabby represented Venezuela in the Olympics; in fact, she was the first woman Olympian for that country in shooting sports. She eventually left Venezuela, largely because of their prohibition against civilian gun ownership, and became a U.S. citizen. She has written a book, TroubleShooting, and is a highly acclaimed firearms instructor. She also speaks to groups around the country about what it is like to LOSE your right to keep and bear arms. Her message is sobering and should be a wake-up call to all of us.

After the program, you will have an opportunity to meet with your legislators, if you like.  IFC volunteers can walk you through the process, which is really easy.  Legislators pay attention when a constituent shows up at ‘their house’ to talk to them.

So, What Does Our Lobbyist Do For IFC?

The work of a lobbyist is NOT easy. Every single person who approaches a legislator wants something. Lobbyists must build and maintain relationships with an ever-changing slate of legislators and often must bring the newly elected legislators up to speed on Second Amendment issues. This includes education about the constitutional protections we have, about ongoing court cases, as well as about proposed legislation.

There is immense competition for legislators’ time and Second Amendment issues can be very detailed and contentious. You should be very grateful that Richard is willing to continue this work for all of us — he’s been doing it for many, many years. If you do run into him at 2A Lobby Day, be sure to shake his hand, and thank him for his tireless service.

Unable to get to the event at the Capitol?  Then join us for the evening IFC-PAC Supper! The prime rib dinner is being served up at the Za-Ga-Zig Shrine in Altoona, from 5:30 – 9:00 p.m.  There, you will hear again from our featured speaker, Gabby Franco, with a more in-depth and personal telling of her story.  You will also hear from the folks on the IFC Board.  This is where you will get the “inside scoop” about why certain legislation is being proposed, what we’re trying to accomplish for our members — in fact, for all Iowa gun owners — and some of the strategy necessary to accomplish these goals. 

The first time I attended 2A Lobby Day and then the IFC-PAC Dinner, I thought it was strange that they had the same featured speaker for both events. However, having attended both events the past three years, I can tell you that the evening event is ALWAYS riveting. The speakers are free to truly tell their stories at the evening event. They aren’t standing in the Rotunda of the State Capitol. Everyone who attends the Supper is a “friendly”; there is no reason to be cautious about what they are saying and they aren’t as constrained by a tight schedule. It’s a much more casual gathering.  Good food, good content, good people and good fun.  Your only requirement?  Show Up!  (Especially all you women shooters.  I KNOW you’re out there!)

Your “To-Do” List!

  • Attend the 2A Lobby Day at the Capitol, if you can. We must make an impression on the Legislature and strength is shown through the number of people who show up and voice their concern for Second Amendment issues. When our loud voices ring through the Rotunda, you can bet it gets the legislators’ attention! As you know, we face constant opposition. The legislators need to see our members and hear from them.
  • Join your friends, or make new ones, at the IFC-PAC Supper that evening! It truly is a fun event, as well as being informative! Click here for Tickets
  •  Find Richard Rogers at one of these events and tell him just how much you appreciate what he does for us. His job is often thankless! 🙂

Happy New Year!

Second Amendment Matters

Present and Willing – The Foundation for Saving Lives

Present and Willing – The Foundation for Saving Lives

Present and willing – the foundational pieces for saving lives.  Now add a healthy dose of training, and you’re arguably very prepared to stop a threat, put evil on hold, and spare the lives of innocent people.

We’ve got problems, but we’re asking all the wrong questions, which means we’ll get the wrong answers.  Too many will say something thoughtful like, “When are we going to do something?”  They would be right to ponder and ask a question like that, but what you’ll get in return, if anything, is a bunch of manure splashed across the wall in hopes some of it sticks.  And that’s a really poor way to consider and erect policy.

Let’s ask the hard question.  “How many lives are we willing to forfeit each time something bad happens?”

Yeah, I wrote that.  And you read it.  There is no way to eliminate evil.  Stop being silly and thinking if you could ban one more gun or curtail one more civil right, evil would cease.  That mentality is as stupid as it is dumb.  Rather, let’s agree on the TRUTH.  Evil exists and for as long a man has walked the Earth, it has been present.  Knowing this, the question pivots away from how to remove evil, to what we’ll do when evil presents itself.  That’s the right question to ask, and we all know the answer.  Some are just not comfortable admitting the answer, that’s all.

When evil shows itself, if you’re present and willing, you intercede.  YOU STOP IT.

Being present and willing are foundational to stopping the gratuitous harm of others.  With training, your speed and odds of success increase exponentially.  That’s it.  There’s no magic formula.  Are you present?  Are you willing?  Are you trained in ways that allow you to reach your full potential?  If you can answer yes to the first two, and the third is well in hand with more planned, you’re what the innocent among us require to make it home at night.  Not the wholesale curtailment of the good guy’s rights.  Not a bunch of Pollyanish ideas that have never and will never work, but give us some warm feelings.  No.  Why have we departed from the TRUTH?

When the bad guy shows up with a plan to hurt people, why don’t we act on our plan?  That requires you and I to be present, then willing.  And the more trained we are, the better off everyone will be.  May the Almighty bless them, but no police response time is going to compare to a person who is present and willing in the school.  No SRO is going to react as quickly to disaster in a classroom as the teacher standing there.  Stop trying to convince yourself otherwise – that’s a fool’s errand.  When the person present is willing and prepared the body count these killers amass, plummets.

Evil exists when the bad guys have a monopoly on violence in “Gun Free Zones” – when we remove that advantage two things happen.  1, What violence they inflict is quickly halted, and 2, fewer and fewer attempts will be made due to logical outcomes for the perpetrator.

Join IFC in the fight to stop these phony “safe” zones that are anything but…  The families in Perry and the community as a whole have suffered in unimaginable ways.  The past is granite, but the future is malleable.  If you don’t choose to be present, willing, and prepared you’re not communicating your compassion, but rather your indifferent cruelty.


In Libertatem,

Michael Ware – IFC Board