Thank you Brownells, indeed! Second Amendment supporters should be thankful that Brownells is such a champion of 2A issues. We had the opportunity to again experience this first-hand last Saturday, when a team from IFC attended GunCon at Brownells. This is the third year Brownells has hosted media influencers from around the country to hold live-streamed panel discussions on various 2A topics, showcase a variety of quality guns and gear available on site from many different vendors, and provide a forum for both national gun rights organizations and Iowa’s own Iowa Firearms Coalition, to meet with people.

[Photos and comments about GunCon were contributed by all IFC team members.]

The Panelists & Sessions

Typical of Brownells and The Gun Collective, the event was a huge success and very well attended.  Doors opened at 10 a.m.  Our team arrived at 8 a.m. to set up, and there were already lines of people waiting outside the entry doors. Audience members were able to ask questions of the panelists, and those tuned into the live stream could also submit questions to be answered. Check out this link, and scroll down to see a list of featured panelists and the vendors at GunCon. Our own IFC volunteer Lobbyist, Richard Rogers (pictured in the red shirt, above) participated in panel discussions. Richard has a vast knowledge of the history of 2A legislative and case law developments, both nationally and in Iowa, and we were proud to have him represent IFC.



In addition to Brownells, two other IFC Trusted Partners were at the event also.  Trusted Partners add value for our members by offering discounted prices on goods or services, when purchasing them with a discount code through IFC’s website. In fact, you can more than pay for your annual membership fee by purchasing discounted goods through our Trusted Partners — buying quality goods that you would have purchased anyway. Vice President and volunteer, Billy Wilson, made sure to thank our partners, on behalf of our members.


Old Friends

But it was not all serious discussion!  Stephen Willeford, representing Gun Owners of America (GOA), had some fun with their photo board and props. GOA was in the booth next to ours.  Other 2A rights organizations represented were FRAC and the Second Amendment Foundation. Stephen (pictured on the right in this photo) is best known as “The Barefoot Defender” in the Sutherland Springs church shooting in Texas a few years ago.  IFC invited Mr. Willeford to speak to our members at the 2A Lobby Day a couple of years ago, and again at the IFC-PAC Supper that evening. The events of that day had a profound effect on Mr. Willeford and his impactful story is raw still.

Speaking of 2A Lobby Day–our Lobby Day event in 2025 will be held on February 18th, from 1:00-4:00 p.m. at the Iowa Capitol, as always. The keynote speaker is Iowa native, Jeff Struecker, known from Black Hawk Down. You won’t want to miss this event.  We’ll let you know when tickets go on sale.


Talking with the IFC team after the event, the things that most impressed us were:

  • There were people from everywhere! We talked with folks from Denver, from Florida, from Nebraska, Missouri, and certainly from Illinois!  (Kansas State Rifle Association had their big annual meeting on the same day as GunCon this year, so we didn’t run into many from Kansas this year.) Eric Hansen, our Events Coordinator, said that the folks from Illinois all told him the same thing: they are looking at options for moving across the river. Illinois gun laws are driving them to greener pastures – like Iowa!
  • People were willing to drive six to ten hours to attend the event. It is important to them and the event offers something for everyone. The benefit of learning from the various panelists firsthand was a big draw for attendees.
    • There were all kinds of people at the event. People of all ages and backgrounds; people with varying degrees of firearms experience and different interests. Although still a predominantly male crowd, there were many women in attendance and they were not just companions along for the ride! The involvement of women with guns was a frequent topic mentioned by the panelists.
  • The folks who stopped by our booth — and there were MANY! — were very appreciative of the work done by IFC since its inception. The degree of interaction with them, the length of discussions, and the concerns they have about protecting gun rights, were impressive.


What Next?

All in all, it was a great day! Getting to interact with hundreds of people from all walks of life, with common concerns and interests, was rejuvenating! As you can see, we are growing our presence and outreach, and we could really use your talent. We are an All-Volunteer organization. Volunteer and discover all the fun you are missing! The folks at IFC are great to work with and very helpful.

Also, if you are not yet a member of IFC, or if your shooting friends are not members, what are you waiting for? One of the appalling statistics I heard from the 2A Rights panel was that over 126,000 Iowa gun owners are NOT registered to vote! And, looking at gun owners nationally, over 9 million gun owners are not registered to vote. That does not bode well in terms of protecting our interests.

Our Second Amendment rights are under serious attack. For heaven’s sake: JOIN IFC & VOTE!

Second Amendment Matters


IFC 2A Day 2025 with Jeff Struecker from Black Hawk Down

IFC 2A Day 2025 with Jeff Struecker from Black Hawk Down

Yes, we’ll celebrate 2A Day this year with Iowa native, Jeff Struecker, known from Black Hawk Down.  Jeff is our keynote speaker at the Capitol building and also our speaker at the IFC-PAC Supper that same night. 

Jeff Struecker was a decorated soldier. At age 18, he enlisted in the United States Army as an Infantryman and retired as a chaplain with over 22 years of active federal service. In 2017, he was inducted into the US Army Ranger Hall of Fame.

He served for ten years in the 75th Ranger Regiment in positions from Private to Platoon Sergeant. While serving in this unit, Jeff competed in and won the David L. Grange Best Ranger Competition in 1996. He taught ROTC at the University of Louisville and was recognized in 1998 as the US Army ROTC, Noncommissioned Officer of the Year. Jeff spent his final ten years in the US Army serving as a chaplain in Airborne and Ranger units.

Throughout his career, Jeff has attended numerous professional military schools and has received many awards and commendations. Some of his awards include the Ranger Tab, Combat Infantryman’s Badge, Pathfinder Badge, Master Parachutists Wings, Military Freefall Master Parachutist Wings, several foreign jump wings, and the Combat Action Badge. He has been awarded other commendations and decorations throughout his military career.

His combat experience includes participation in the invasion of Panama, Operation Desert Storm, Black Hawk Down in Somalia, and more than a dozen combat tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. Jeff has been awarded medals for valor in combat and has received many medals as recognition for his service in the US Army.

Jeff holds a Ph.D. from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC. He also has several other earned and honorary degrees. He is the lead pastor of 2 Cities Church in Columbus, Georgia.

He is an award-winning author with five books in print. He and his wife, Dawn, have five children and four grandchildren.

IFC will be running a shuttle van from parking lot 16 shown on the map —> throughout the day.  Noon to 4pm.  The van will pick up and drop off in parking lot 16 and the front (west) entrance of the Capitol building.  We’ll be using a passenger van with IFC logos on the doors.  Flag us down and we’ll give you a lift!


Not Just For the Guys

Not Just For the Guys

Not Just For the Guys

Not just for the guys…I was fortunate that IFC sent me to the NRA Annual Meeting this year, in Dallas, about three weeks ago. Although I have been a Life Member of NRA for many years, it was the first time I had attended the NRAAM. Registration to the event is free, if you are an NRA member. Also, most of the seminars and educational sessions were free to attend as well. I highly recommend that you go.  Next year’s event will be in Atlanta, Georgia (a little closer to home), on April 24-27th.  Hotels are available to book now:

Just a quick word about logistics. I have attended many large conferences in my life and the organization for this event was stellar. It is obvious that the NRA has invested heavily in their annual flagship event. Everything from the shuttle buses to the hotels, to the on-site assistance available, signage, sticking to the schedule…it was all handled superbly.  Kudos to the NRAAM personnel.

14 Acres of Guns & Gear – It’s True!

Because I had heard about the “14 Acres of Guns & Gear”, I wore my hiking boots — and was very glad I did!  The first thing that strikes you is the sheer enormity – the scale – of the event.  The famous “Wall of Guns” had drool-worthy classics on display. Every conceivable vendor was on hand to show you their latest guns, gear and gadgets. There was an entire aisle devoted to safari and US-based hunting trips.  Ammunition and gun manufacturers competed for your ear, each one seemingly one-upping the other.  There were trainers for every shooting sport, and hands-on displays for dry fire systems. Booths featured specialized targets, home defense, and self-defense. Sales staff were on hand to share their product knowledge, and strategies for use. Suppressors, scopes, RDS, weapon mounted lights, tactical lights, slings and cases…on and on.  Literally there was just about everything firearms-related available!

IFC Trusted Partner On Deck

While in the Exhibit Hall, I stopped to chat with the good folks at Firearms Legal Protection, one of IFC’s Trusted Partners and they obliged with a photo.  Always good to see friends when away from home. Check out their services at the link above.


Women & Guns

And women — women were everywhere.  Women are the fastest-growing demographic for new shooters and first-time firearms purchasers in the country, and they are an enthusiastic bunch!  Shoot Like A Girl was there with their semi-trailer where you could shoot any of the guns they had on hand, free of charge. Vendors and trainers are finely attuned to this sustained, multi-year trend in new firearms purchasers. Consequently, they are adopting and adapting marketing, training strategies and even changes in manufacturing, to accommodate this huge new influx of women gun owners. Sorry guys.  The world of guns and shooting is no longer a ‘good old boys club’.  There are an awful lot of women who have a passion for various shooting sports and disciplines and they are pretty impressive. And relentless! More on that later.

The Seminars

Apart from the several exhibit halls devoted to toys that could break even Elon Musk’s bank account, there were multiple tracks of educational and training seminars, also available at no charge.  My only complaint was that — despite going ’round the sun many, many times in my life, I have yet to figure out how to be in two places at one time. Choices were difficult even though some sessions were offered more than once. This is a link to the 99 sessions offered during the three days, just to give you a sense of the many opportunities.

I attended two sessions offered by John Correia/Active Self Protection (“Lessons Learned From Analyzing 50,000 Gunfights” and “Top 5 Myths Concealed Carriers Believe, Revealed”). John walked us through his analysis of many situations captured on video. He emphasized the importance of making Good, Sane, Sober, Moral and Prudent decisions.

I also attended two sessions offered by Lt. Col. Ed Monk/Last Resort Training (Considerations for Armed Responders to Active Shooter Attacks”).  These were provocative sessions designed to get you thinking seriously about “what if”.  Mr. Monk described what a person might encounter, what to do (and not do), as well as tactics for how to be effective and survive in such a situation. Very sobering stuff.

(Photo is of three IFC Life Members (from left: myself, Presenter Ed Monk, Dave and Todd)

NRA Clubs & Associations

However, the first session I attended, was the “NRA Clubs & Associations Workshop”.  Our very own Dave Funk, President of IFC, was one of the two featured presenters, and he did an excellent job.  He discussed the multi-faceted social media approach we used in 2022 to ensure the passage of Iowa’s Freedom Amendment.  This was the Constitutional Amendment that added language to the Iowa State Constitution to protect Iowan’s Second Amendment rights from infringement.  (Prior to that amendment, Iowa was one of only six states that did not have such language in our Constitution.  To remind you of the company we were in, the other states were California, New Jersey, Illinois, etc.  You get the drift.)

Not a Wardrobe Malfunction

But a funny thing happened mid-speech…(Only funny, because no one was hurt!) Dave Funk was presenting at a podium on the stage. Moriah Day, Executive Director of the Kansas State Rifle Association (also presenting), and NRA Board member, Dave Halbrook (pictured here), were also seated on the stage – when it collapsed!  It literally folded at the middle seam and both of those seated, suddenly were down!  They quickly recovered and left the stage.  What did ‘our’ Dave do when this occurred?  Glanced over, assessed the situation, grabbed the mic, stepped off the stage and continued his slide show presentation, unruffled, while maintenance fixed the stage. This was the first event on the first day and to say it started off with a bang is an understatement 🙂

There were several NRA Board members who attended the Clubs & Associations meeting, along with members from Kansas, Oklahoma, Illinois, California, Michigan,New Mexico, and others I cannot recall. The information exchange was great and I made several new contacts and brought back many useful ideas. If that had been the only session I had attended, the trip would have been worthwhile.

The “Women’s New Energy Brunch”

This was the single special event I attended. It was billed as a “unique opportunity to learn about NRA’s programs, outreach efforts and mission as relates to women”, networking, etc. It was all that and more. There were several women NRA Board members in attendance, and sponsors as well. The most beneficial part was the breakout sessions, where you could choose which topic you wanted to learn more about. For example, I am very interested in the NRA’s ‘Women on Target’ program.

The various board members each led a discussion on “their” topic/area of expertise. However, what was really revealing was the introductions among the women participants. We were each asked to briefly describe our interest and background with firearms. There were ex- and current military, law enforcement, competitive shooters of every discipline, firearms training instructors, women’s shooting group leaders, reps from national women’s shooting organizations, state gun rights reps, RSOs, gun shop owners – you name it.  As I said earlier – women were everywhere, and enthusiastic, at the NRAAM.  It was inspiring.

So, Iowa ladies – I leave you with this question: If you’re reading this, you are likely an IFC member.  Are your friends who shoot, also IFC members?  Strength in numbers — and I know you are out there! Get your friends involved.  Encourage them to join IFC. (It’s not just for the guys!) 🙂

Second Amendment Matters

P.S. – Look familiar?!!!





Are we at the legal breaking point yet? Last week’s conviction of President Trump in a totally bullsh*t case is the most in-your-face move yet by the authoritarian left. What is now no longer in question is that we have a two-tiered justice system in America that protects liberals, and punishes everyone else.

Even Elie Honig, a CNN Legal Analyst, called out the unconstitutionality of the whole case:

“The judge donated money in plain violation of a rule prohibiting New York judges from making political donations of any kind — to a pro-Biden, anti-Trump political operation, including funds that the judge earmarked forresisting the Republican Party and Donald Trump’s radical right-wing legacy


District Attorney Alvin Bragg ran for office in an overwhelmingly Democratic county by touting his Trump-hunting prowess…


Most importantly, the DA’s charges against Trump push the outer boundaries of the law and due process.


…the charges against Trump are obscure and nearly entirely unprecedented. In fact, no state prosecutor — in New York, or Wyoming, or anywhere — has ever charged federal election laws as a direct or predicate state crime, against anyone, for anything. None. Ever…


Standing alone, falsification charges would have been mere misdemeanors under New York law, which posed two problems for the DA. First, nobody cares about a misdemeanor, and it would be laughable to bring the first-ever charge against a former president for a trifling offense that falls within the same technical criminal classification as shoplifting Second, the statute of limitations on a misdemeanor — two years — likely has long expired on Trump’s conduct, which dates to 2016 and 2017.


So, to inflate the charges up to the lowest-level felony (Class E, on a scale of Class A through E) — and to electroshock them back to life within the longer felony statute of limitations — the DA alleged that the falsification of business records was committedwith intent to commit another crime.Here, according to prosecutors, theanother crimeis a New York State election-law violation, which in turn incorporates three separateunlawful means”: federal campaign crimes, tax crimes, and falsification of still more documents. Inexcusably, the DA refused to specify what those unlawful means actually were — and the judge declined to force them to pony up — until right before closing arguments…


In these key respects, the charges against Trump aren’t just unusual. They’re bespoke, seemingly crafted individually for the former president and nobody else…


“No man is above the law.It’s become cliché, but it’s an important point. It’s worth pausing to reflect on the importance of this core principle. But it’s also meaningless pablum if we unquestioningly tolerate (or worse, celebrate) deviations from ordinary process and principle to get there…”

Meanwhile in New York City…

If you defend yourself from robbery or other crimes in NYC, you will be prosecuted. Take the case of the 61-year-old bodega employee who turned the tables on a convicted felon trying to rob and kill him. Or the case of a Marine Veteran who fatality restrained someone threatening to kill people on a subway. The NYC District Attorneys will charge the good guys while letting violent criminals be undercharged, if not just let go completely.  This is despite NYC Police’s best efforts to control the violence on that once great city’s streets.

As Professor John Lott said in a recent Washington Times op-ed

“While New York persecutes law-abiding people who try to protect themselves and others, criminals are often let go scot-free. New numbers show that Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg has downgraded 60% of felonies to lesser charges, almost always to mere misdemeanors.  At the same time, left-wing DAs aren’t going after real criminals and crime is increasing, with reported violent crime (murder, rape, robbery, and felony assault) in New York City in 2023 up by 32%. Amid such leniency, reported murder rates are now up 23% from 2019 levels. At the same time, the rate at which people are reporting crime to police has plummeted, so the real spike in crime is much larger than the numbers show. Total crime, reported and unreported, has soared in large cities of more than a million people.”

Why would anyone stay in — or invest in — such corrupt and lawless places? Based on migration data, New Yorkers are leaving in droves for the Free States. New York is exactly what Obama and Biden want to happen in all of America. Our last chance to stop them is on November 5th. If not, then America is circling the drain for the last time as an administrative state robs the last traces of our freedom and dignity. 

Please stay Ready at All Times, and help us defend all of Iowa’s rights by joining or renewing your IFC membership here today.

Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.

Dave Funk
Iowa Firearms Coalition