by Dillon Daughenbaugh | Aug 18, 2022
Winchester Ammunition conducted a survey of 1600 centerfire rifle hunters and the results were published by our ally the National Shooting Sports Foundation. The study shows that 60% of hunters who use a centerfire rifle prefer that of the Armalite and Avtomat Kalashnikova.
It should come as no surprise that the two most popular platforms in the world are the tool of choice when harvesting animals for nourishment. With the modularity of the AR and the reliability of the AK, they’re both a proven and effective choice.
We’ve heard for years the left proclaiming that “AR’s aren’t for hunting!” This study proves that the most popular weapons of choice for protecting liberty and filling the freezer are that of the modern sporting rifle. Below is a quote from someone who likely in casual conversation says “I support the Second Amendment but…”
The Tampa Bay Times transcribed Nelson’s Fox & Friends appearance, where he said, in part: “I want you to know I grew up on a ranch. I have grown up with guns. I have hunted all my life. I hunt with my son still. An AR-15 is not for hunting, it’s for killing. And the question is, should this be a legal weapon in our society?”
From competition, conservation and casual use, it’s hard to beat the AR. With it being capable of hosting many calibers, from shotgun and .22 up to 45.70 and more. The ability to simply swap an upper to change calibers makes it ideal for any situation and Americans any aged(responsibly).
The AK has been used in combat since it’s inception, unlike the AR. It is an unstoppable weapon system, rain, mud, or heavy abuse won’t slow it down. They’re the only good thing that has come from Communism. The first time I was ever able to fire an AK was in Afghanistan. Who knows what that rifle had seen, killed, or saved. All I know is it was on the good guys side, it’s wood was weathered, finish was non existent but it still fired like it was brand new. No telling how accurate it was as I fired it full auto into a berm. Nonetheless, a solid choice for hunting where it’s permitted.
Here is the article from which the information was pulled.
In the comments, tell us what your favorite platform and caliber is for harvesting wild game and please consider becoming a member of the Iowa Firearms Coalition today!
by Dillon Daughenbaugh | Aug 15, 2022
You can’t surf the web, social media, or tv channels without seeing the news of yet again another preventable mass shooting. Like clockwork the self proclaimed leaders of the world are promising to impose restrictions that only affect those of us who follow the current laws. Meanwhile, they are tucked away in ivory towers secured by the very men and women they wish to disarm. I know this all to well, because I am one of those people who frequently provides security to them. I do it because I truly believe everyone has the right to speak freely, protest peacefully, and feel secured in their day to day life. Obviously they’re well aware of the hypocrisy, they’re just playing the for profit game of politics.
I’m going to be candid; I believe red flag laws are the line in the sand for a lot of people. On one hand I understand a large majority of our government and country want them. On the other, there are those who believe this absolutely is the hill to die on. Then there are always those who just go along with the majority often out of ignorance. Either way, imposing red flag laws to put it bluntly will result in casualties on all ends.
There aren’t many issues that I stress over, but if I were to feel uneasy about something it would be red flag laws. As I stated above, I think it’s a line in the sand, not that I have a line, but it is something that will push people to a breaking point as well as force them to take a side in the true fight for freedom.
What we know;
• They violate due process (4th Amendment)
• They will absolutely be used out of spite by anyone who knows you have weapons and suddenly decides you shouldn’t have them. They can make a phone call, without evidence, and have you arrested, your rights stripped making you guilty until proven innocent.
• We’ve seen many times where Peace Officers leave their jobs due to being given an unlawful order, I imagine “blue flu” will be even more common in this case.
• Veterans or anyone with post traumatic stress will be targeted.
• Veterans/First Responders already don’t seek treatment for mental health out of fear of repercussion, this will only make it worse.
• It is going to be deadly for anyone enforcing them or on the receiving end.
• Above all it’s a violation of freedom.
I am a Veteran, and a first responder who unfortunately is put into situations that have been and will be burned into my memory for the rest of my life, that is a burden I’m willing to take on so someone else doesn’t have to. If red flag laws were to be imposed, I am now a target for them because of the things I was put through. I just trained a SWAT team to breach buildings, am I to believe they would use those same tactics against me? I don’t believe it, because those folks are the same caliber of people as myself.
I know Veterans currently who don’t attend AA meetings, don’t claim PTSD at the VA, don’t attend support groups because they are afraid of being red flagged. With that the possibility of having their insurance rates increased, and afraid their civil rights may be precluded. What incentive do folks have to work on or improve their disposition if we punish them for it? That is right now even without red flag laws, just imagine if we did have them, suicide rates would increase drastically.
It would take one heated debate, one online comment taken out of context, a breakup, or an angry neighbor making a phone call to local law enforcement to have someone embarrassed, violated, rights stripped, or worse. That is the danger of red flag laws, and it would affect anyone regardless of political affiliation. It would absolutely be weaponized.
I agree our mental healthcare system needs fixed, I agree mass shootings need prevented, but red flag laws aren’t the path to preventing these tragedies.
Join the fight today by clicking Iowa Firearms Coalition.
by Dillon Daughenbaugh | Aug 13, 2022
We are a country birthed from rebellious acts such as the Boston Tea Party, so color me shocked when I heard the news of the IRS wanting to hire 87,000 new agents. There are roughly 80,000 IRS employees currently, so this would double the agencies tax collectors. The claim is that the agency will be targeting those large corporations and wealthy people who are great at avoiding taxes. We all know that shouldn’t require doubling their agency and that it will most definitely be targeting those of us who work, go home, and want to be left alone. President Reagans popular quote about the 9 most dangerous words comes to mind.
The funding is coming from the Inflation Reduction Acts $80 billion dollars, $46 billion of that is going to the IRS new super soldier program. The worst part of this in my opinion is the job posting the IRS listed then hurriedly removed, see below. Three of the five bullet points on the job posting reference that this job is very dangerous. Why would collecting taxes be dangerous? It’s not like 75% of the average Americans income is taken through taxes…ha.

It’s an eerie feeling seeing the anti police crowd once again fund a federal police force. We just saw for the first time a federal agency raid a former president. Maybe the FBI thought hidden in Melania’s wardrobe was Hillary’s 30k emails, Jeffrey “didn’t kill himself” Epstein’s client list, or Hunter Bidens laptop, the world may never know. Regardless of your party affiliation, you should understand this is an unprecedented act. I can’t imagine the IRS will be any less tyrannical. Weaponizing federal policing agencies with a political motive is dangerous, for everyone.
Imagine if you will, 87,000 new school resource officers, that seems like a good way to protect our most precious resource. It’s a shame the powers that be won’t ever come to a bipartisan solution that truly does protect our innocent and serve the American people.
If the Boston Tea Party were to happen today, what would it look like?
Join Iowa Firearms Coalition today by clicking here!
“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” Proverbs 29
by Dillon Daughenbaugh | Jun 23, 2022
The State of New York bars anyone without a firearm license from carrying inside or outside the home under their “Proper Cause” law. Meaning in order to obtain a CPL you must prove a reason why, instead of simply exercising that right like the numerous states with Constitutional Carry. This is the largest 2nd Amendment case in 14 years, stemming from two gun owners who had their CPLs denied for not being able to provide proper cause. To view the full opinion, click HERE.
A powerful statement from page 3 of the above link. “Indeed, the Court recognized in Heller at least one way in which the Second Amendment’s historically fixed meaning applies to new circumstances: Its reference to “arms” does not apply “only [to] those arms in existence in the 18th century.” Although we know the left will ignore it, this should put an end to their sentiments about the 2A being outdated and not applying to present or future weapons.
Currently in New York it’s nearly impossible to get a firearms license unless you’re a former LEO, cash business owner, or of course celebrities. This is designed mostly to prevent the average citizen from defending themselves, a direct violation of the 2nd and 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
The Supreme Court of the United States just made a monumental 6-3 decision to strike down the “proper cause” law. This could possibly mean “shall issue” carry nationwide, stay tuned to see how it all works out. Like the DC v. Heller case reaffirmed the right to keep and bear arms within the home, this new SCOTUS decision tells us what we already know by reaffirming the right to keep and bear arms outside the home.
This is truly a monumental decision, and an exciting win for the New York State Rifle and Pistol Assoc. and well done to the gentlemen who prevailed against tyranny.
Join Iowa Firearms Coalition Today!
In Liberty
Dillon Daughenbaugh
IFC Communications Director
by Dillon Daughenbaugh | Jun 17, 2022
The U.S. Army’s Lake City plant, yes you read that correctly, our United States Army which runs an ammunition factory, is being told to stop producing for the commercial market. The facility accounts for nearly 30% of ammunition production. That should help his approval ratings…
You can read more here
This would mean no longer can Lake City sell their popular M855 and SS109 to the civilian market. A direct attack on the ammunition used for America’s most popular modern sporting rifle with nearly 25 million known rifles being in the United States. A cowardly and desperate move by an administration throwing a tantrum because they can’t get another “assault” weapon ban passed. Continually attacking us where it may hurt the most, our wallets.
While the federal government is on the assault on one end, we must ensure that our state is protected with preemptive measures, like the Freedom Amendment. Which amends Iowa’s Constitution to add the strong protections of the Constitution’s 2nd Amendment, with strict scrutiny.
So, what we need is for you to engage with all of social media as much as possible, while also telling your friends, families, and followers about the Freedom Amendment. It will be found on the back of the ballot in November. Vote YES on the Freedom Amendment and enshrine our rights to keep and bear arms in Iowa’s Constitution once and for all. Join Today! Also, complete our two Action Alert to email your legislators on important issues.
God Bless Iowa.
For Freedom
Dillon Daughenbaugh
IFC Comms Director.
by Dillon Daughenbaugh | May 30, 2022
Memorial Day was created to honor the men and women who gave their last full measure while serving in the United States Military. It is a somber day of reflection, but that doesn’t mean you have to sulk around. It should be a day spent honoring their lives and rejoicing in the freedoms they’ve served to protect.
Although the day was established to honor those who’ve perished in service to our country, it’s become common place to honor all our loved ones who’ve passed from this life to the next.
As a child, Memorial Day meant taking those long trips in the car with Dad to see gravesites. Back then it was boring, I didn’t understand it fully. Of course, I know now my father was going to honor family, to be present for them on this day of mourning. A memory which left an impression.
As an adult I’ve spent many Memorial Days driving across Iowa, just as my father does. I take the same route, reflect on the same memories, and shed the same tears.
I’ve always tried to honor their lives the best I can. One specific person I honor daily is my friend James O’Quin. I’m sure some people have either seen or know of somewhere wearing a metal bracelet with a name on it, often time it’s a KIA/MIA bracelet. I wear one with my friend’s name, and date he passed. I don’t talk much about my time in the Army, but when asked about the bracelet, I will happily talk about James. We arrived at Fort Campbell, Kentucky around the same time, were gym buddies, and both forward deployed to the same base, FOB Orgun-E Afghanistan

Sadly, his time was cut short. July 23rd, 2010, James was swept away after a levee broke near his vehicle. It’s in James honor that I am proud to continue to fight for the freedoms here at home that we went abroad to protect. I do this through volunteering for Iowa Firearms Coalition.

The Iowa Firearms Coalition has vehemently fought to preserve and protect the freedoms secured by the sacrifice of Americans at home and abroad. We would like to take this Memorial Day to honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of freedom, our freedom. May we continue our mission in their names.
Take this Memorial Day to reflect on those we’ve lost, speak their names, and share their stories. All they ask is to be remembered.
“The nation which forgets its defenders will be itself forgotten.” Calvin Coolidge, 1920.
For Freedom.
Dillon Daughenbaugh
IFC Comms Director
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