IFC at Brownell’s GunCon!

IFC at Brownell’s GunCon!


IFC was at Brownell’s GunCon Saturday and what a blast!  Lots of vendors showing off cool guns, suppressors, gadgets, gear, tech, dry fire systems, and ammo, among other things.  Even the tornado watch alerts added to the excitement.  There were several panel discussions throughout the day by social media influencers who responded to audience questions — [Click HERE (and scroll down) to see a list of the participants & sponsors].  A few of the panelists were sharing the broadcast on their YouTube channels.  Folks who were streaming the event remotely were also able to submit questions.  There were other ad hoc presentations throughout the day as well — for example, they had an emergency first aid session, a reloading demonstration, and so on.

The atmosphere was upbeat and most of the vendors participated in a raffle prize giveaway.  Lucky winners won guns, holsters, ammo, suppressor cans, scopes, an air rifle, optics, muzzle flash suppressors, and on and on!  A meal ticket and five raffle tickets were given to each participant with their admission.  If you didn’t make it this year, keep a close eye out for future GunCon announcements because the tickets this year sold out in three days!

Thank You Brownell’s – A Great Event!

Brownell’s facility is top-notch!  It is immaculate and well-constructed.  I was impressed by their warehouse, their cafeteria, and the obvious importance they place on integrity, ethics, and workmanship.  Everything about the day was flawless.  It was clear that Brownell’s put tons of effort into putting together a great event.  There was a whiteboard with squares for ‘sticky notes’ where employees could anonymously and quickly share suggestions for improvements.  The atmosphere reminded me of a software firm where I used to work.  IFC is proud to have Brownell’s as a Trusted Partner!

The IFC team was there to spread the word about the work being done by the Iowa Firearms Coalition, our upcoming events, our effectiveness at getting 2A-friendly legislation passed since inception, and also at preventing bad gun bills from seeing the light of day.  We sold some hats and shirts, but mostly we talked and responded to questions from current and new members.  We signed up several new members and spoke with anyone willing to stop for a moment.  Our location was phenomenal:  we were set up just to the side of the seating area where everyone came to listen to the various presentations.

Stephen Willeford, “The Barefoot Defender”

And this brings me to what turned out, for me, to be the most impactful part of the day.  Next to us, the only other gun rights organization present was Gun Owners of America.  They have hired Stephen Willeford, “The Barefoot Defender”, as their national spokesperson.  Iowa Firearms Coalition had invited Stephen to be our guest speaker at our 2022 Lobby Day and also to attend and speak at the IFC-PAC Dinner that evening.  I remember being gobsmacked by his story.  He is well worth listening to…this ordinary human being who was called to do an extraordinary thing when the Sutherland Springs Church in Texas was attacked, resulting in 26 deaths.  If not for Stephen, there would have been many, many more.

I am one of those people who might react immediately but I “think slow”.  By that I mean that I often find myself reflecting on what I learn, or hear, or see, for months and sometimes even years after an event.  Gradually, it fits in its own niche, somewhere deep in my psyche.  Such has been the case with hearing Mr. Willeford speak in February 2022 — it’s taken me some time to process his message, and the events of that day.  So, I took the opportunity to talk with him a bit more on Saturday, and bought another copy of his book, A Town Called Sutherland Springs, which he autographed for my son.

Sunday, I re-read my own copy, fresh from talking with him.  It is not an easy story to read and I was even more deeply moved, reading it for a second time.  He’s a regular guy.  No military or law enforcement experience, but an experienced marksman and passionate Second Amendment supporter nonetheless, who found that his prior training drills – friendly competitions with friends – and hunting experience served him, and his community, very well — when he most needed it.  Very religious, very humble, very funny and very much in love with his large family.  He showed me a photo of his growing family on his phone and proudly told me that all of his adult children, their spouses and an ever-increasing number of grandchildren, have chosen to build homes and live on his family’s land, together.  He said that the shooting at the church and its aftermath has brought his close family even closer.

Now…It’s Up to Each of Us

I’ll leave you with this thought:  Volunteering for Iowa Firearms Coalition has been personally rewarding for me and has afforded me opportunities – like GunCon – that I would probably not have experienced…or would have experienced differently.  I have no special skills, but am an ardent supporter of our RKBA and other rights granted by God and enshrined in our U.S. Constitution.  There is NO reason that any of you cannot become more involved.

If you’re NOT a member, Join IFC!

If you ARE a member, volunteer to do just ONE thing.  I first volunteered to work at gun shows.

If you care about your Second Amendment rights (which are under severe threat by the current administration and the alphabet agencies), for heaven’s sake, GET INVOLVED!  Our collective voice is our strength and we’re going to need all the strength we can muster.  Membership is just $35 per year.

Second Amendment Matters

Matt Whitaker on Hunter Biden WW EP64

Matt Whitaker on Hunter Biden WW EP64

Matt Whitaker, Former Acting US Attorney General, weighs in on the Hunter Biden “sweetheart” deal, the two-tiered justice system, and the grave injustice we’re witnessing coming out of the Biden White House. “Rules for thee, but not for me” is the motto for the Bidens. Listen to what a homegrown Iowan, Matt Whitaker, has to say about this breaking story on this week’s IFC Warrior Wednesday Episode 64.


IFC brought you a special blog post yesterday with statements from House Reps, Senators, members, and Iowans across the state.  They all see this for what it is – a blatant abuse of the justice system.

Let that sink in.  Hunter lies on the same form you’d be sent to prison over, and I’d lose my livelihood over, and he walks without being charged.  If you had lied on that form, you’d be charged and convicted.  I have friends that have lost their FFL over an inadvertent mistake on the same form.  I ask you…  Does this sound like justice?

Representative Hinson didn’t think so:

How ironic that Hunter Biden gets a slap on the wrist for a felony gun charge while this Administration has made it their mission to go after law-abiding gun owners with everything they’ve got. I’ll continue fighting the Biden Administration’s gun grabs and relentless attacks on our Second Amendment rights and will always staunchly defend Iowans’ right to keep and bear arms. – Rep Ashley Hinson

And Senator Ernst had this to say:

Biden’s corrupt DOJ continues to cover up for Hunter Biden by letting him off the hook for his illegal actions. Apparently, the Biden administration’s zero-tolerance policy for gun violations applies to everyone but Hunter Biden. The bias for the Biden Crime Family is clear: while the son of a sitting President who lied to illegally obtain a firearm only receives a slap on the wrist, the Biden administration continues to attack the Second Amendment rights of lawful gun owners in pursuit of its unconstitutional anti-gun agenda. The American people have had enough of this double standard of justice.” -Senator Joni Ernst.

All these folks are right.  You’ve got political advocates, freedom-loving citizens, Representatives, and Senators all singing the same hymn.  This isn’t an accident and there is no conspiracy here.  This is a plain and simple example of the two-tiered justice system erected and propagated by the same folks that gave us all Jim Crow.  There should be no surprise among you.

You can expect this from 3rd World governments, but America?

In Libertatem,

Michael Ware – IFC Board

Hunter Biden – Rules for Thee, Not for Me

Hunter Biden – Rules for Thee, Not for Me

Hunter Biden appears to have sailed on responsibility and accountability with as little as a hug and a kiss.  I won’t even call his “punishment” a slap on the wrist, as it doesn’t even rise to that level of notice.  Rather than a wrist slap for Hunter Biden, this is a slap in the face to Americans at large.  I read a bit over on ammoland.com earlier, about young Biden’s tentative deal to “plead guilty to two federal times,” as he also “agreed to enter a so-called pretrial diversion agreement in connection with a charge of possession of a firearm by a person who is a user or addict of illegal drugs.”

I was getting texts all day today from outraged people.  Here are just a few from friends, and colleagues, along with Congresswoman Ashley Hinson and Senator Joni Ernst:

Rules for Thee but not for Me, huh Michael?

-Matt W

Sounds about right, Matt.  My fellow board member at IFC, Richard Rogers, offered this one up:

I don’t believe Hunter is even being confronted with lying on the Form 4473, a felony. I think the issue at hand is his “illegal possession” of the handgun that he purchased with that form. I think that is also a felony, but I understand that he has NOT pled guilty and that he is likely to have the charge essentially dismissed in some manner – not convicted or placed on probation. Thus he will presumably NOT lose his RKBA! His case is being essentially suspended while he is placed in a “pre-trial diversion” program – probably drug counselling and the like. If he completes the program satisfactorily (probably quite subjective determination on that) and keeps his nose clean of new crimes, he likely won’t even have a trial on the gun charge. It will just go away.

-Richard R

Oh, and there was this nugget that gave me a moment of pause as well:

This week 20 armed IRS agents raided an FFL under suspicion of under-reporting income.  And Hunter Biden pleads to nearly nothing and skates with misdemeanors???

-Brian B

Yes, it appears that way.  Seriously folks, what American in his 50s doesn’t know he needs to file his taxes each year?  How bloated with hryvnia (Ukrainian National Currency) and carelessness does one have to be to simply forget to file a 1040?  What level of ignorantly blissful apathy must one possess in order to draw air while behaving this stupidly?  And this has nothing to say about the “nothing to see here” felony charge for knowingly lying on an ATF 4473 form that was glossed over.  As an FFL Dealer myself, President Joe Biden trotted out a list of “no tolerance” items that result in the revocation of your license.  A single MISTAKE on the same 4473 ATF form young Biden lied on, and dealers have their businesses taken away.

Let that sink in.  Hunter lies on the same form you’d be sent to prison over, and I’d lose my livelihood over, and he walks without being charged.  If you had lied on that form, you’d be charged and convicted.  I have friends that have lost their FFL over an inadvertent mistake on the same form.  I ask you…  Does this sound like justice?  Representative Hinson didn’t think so:

How ironic that Hunter Biden gets a slap on the wrist for a felony gun charge while this Administration has made it their mission to go after law-abiding gun owners with everything they’ve got. I’ll continue fighting the Biden Administration’s gun grabs and relentless attacks on our Second Amendment rights and will always staunchly defend Iowans’ right to keep and bear arms. – Rep Ashley Hinson

And Senator Ernst had this to say:

Biden’s corrupt DOJ continues to cover up for Hunter Biden by letting him off the hook for his illegal actions. Apparently, the Biden administration’s zero-tolerance policy for gun violations applies to everyone but Hunter Biden. The bias for the Biden Crime Family is clear: while the son of a sitting President who lied to illegally obtain a firearm only receives a slap on the wrist, the Biden administration continues to attack the Second Amendment rights of lawful gun owners in pursuit of its unconstitutional anti-gun agenda. The American people have had enough of this double standard of justice.” -Senator Joni Ernst.

All these folks are right.  You’ve got political advocates, freedom-loving citizens, Representatives, and Senators all singing the same hymn.  This isn’t an accident and there is no conspiracy here.  This is a plain and simple example of the two-tiered justice system erected and propagated by the same folks that gave us all Jim Crow.  There should be no surprise among you.

You can expect this from 3rd World governments, but America?

In Libertatem,

Michael Ware – IFC Board


Family, Education & Second Amendment

Family, Education & Second Amendment

Family, Education & The Second Amendment:  The demise of the nuclear family, together with technological changes and socialism taught in schools, threatens our future and our Rights.


Family First

Long, long ago, in a galaxy far away…I grew up in a nuclear family.  Our first home, off the Base, was a poor neighborhood, but all the kids played together.  I learned firsthand about domestic abuse and alcohol abuse, living in that neighborhood; it was part of my education.  I went to regular schools and had good and bad teachers, who were authorized to use corporal punishment (usually a whack with a ruler).

The focus at school was reading, writing, arithmetic, science, art, music, and – importantly – American history.  Other than spelling words and multiplication tables, there was very little memorization.  To ensure our knowledge and understanding, our tests were predominantly essay form, not multiple choice.  The emphasis was on learning the material and incorporating it into your understanding of the world.  Developing critical thinking skills. In our family, we talked about ideas and argued over points of view.  With civility.

My Dad served in the Army and had firearms, but I rarely saw them—except when we went deer hunting.  But in junior high schools and later in high schools, the parking lots were filled with old pickup trucks, the obligatory rifle in the rack along the back window…the side windows open.  Those guns were never stolen (you didn’t mess with someone else’s property).  Schools taught hunter safety classes.  Kids even brought “cool” firearms to Show and Tell.  Firearms were an accepted and normalized part of our lives.  We NEVER had a shooting incident at any of the schools I attended, which were several because we moved.  A lot.

Fundamental Change

This trip down memory lane is not for the sake of nostalgia.  There is no way to compare my childhood experiences to those of children today.  The world has changed dramatically.  We have a rover on Mars!  (I was thrilled when we landed on the Moon!)  Technological and biomedical advances are impressive.  But the nuclear family, with two parents and 2.2 children is a rarity now, especially in large cities.

Following higher divorce rates in the 1960s – 1980s, more young adults are now choosing to remain single, or childless.  More people live in non-owned housing; the dream of home ownership is either out-of-reach or impractical because people are more mobile – “you go where the jobs are”.

How we entertain ourselves has changed too,  from interpersonal connections to media interaction.  Church socials, town-square events, and potlucks with the neighbors are no longer common (except maybe in Iowa!).  We don’t know our neighbors.  People don’t “look out” for others as in the past.  Walkable neighborhoods are rare and not well-used; joggers carry personal alarms.  Instead of reading, people watch television,  play video games, and surf the internet.  This  consumes our waking hours and diverts our attention and willingness to engage with each other.  Wealthy people are purchasing robots for companions!

The Results Are In

I’ve watched as our country has made tremendous strides and enormous advances.  Simultaneously, I’ve watched as it has descended into a “what’s in it for me” avaricious culture that has hardened our hearts as much as our arteries.  Our children are being raised by instructors who, instead of teaching children to think, indoctrinate them in favor of socialism (or communism).  Kids interact through social media, video games, and the internet.  They lack social skills and are not being taught to have an “educated heart”, or to care about others.

They are also not taught to have an educated mind.  Instead of teaching our children how to think critically for themselves, they are rewarded for memorizing “facts”, and for “participating” and behaving a certain way.  Instead of teaching them to strive to be the best, they are taught that everyone is a winner, if they just show up.  In short, they are being taught to conform and to rely on others.  To me, this is the greatest crime, and the greatest failing, of our society, our families, and our schools.  It is a consequence of the death of the nuclear family, the infiltration of wokeness and socialism in our schools, and the lack of consequences for bad behavior.  The impact on our collective consciousness, morals, and the way we behave is palpable.  It is a huge societal problem.

So What Does This Have To Do With The Second Amendment?

If you do not truly know this country’s history, you cannot understand why our founding fathers were so hell-bent on drafting the Bill of Rights, despite the significant personal cost to each of them.  Being a brand-new country whose citizens had endured tremendous hardships, they did not stop with the Constitution.  Every one of the enumerated rights in the Bill of Rights was one that the founders had lost, or that England had threatened.  They KNEW the true value of those rights.  They were compelled to include the Second Amendment because, without it, they knew their hard-fought freedoms would be fleeting.

Our challenge today is to re-instill a deep understanding of why our Constitution and Bill of Rights are critical to our survival.  That understanding comes from a knowledge of American history, embracing American values, and an appreciation for the uniqueness and fragility of this grand American experiment.

I fear that with the demise of the nuclear family, the erosion of traditional values, the profound changes in our technological environment, the socialist infiltration in our children’s education, and the intense focus on immediate gratification and the distraction of endless entertainment, our grand experiment — and our Rights — are at risk like no time prior.

Join the fight with IFC – The Good Guys With Guns



National Rifle Association Annual Meeting 2023

The National Rifle Association Annual Meeting concluded just a little over a week ago and I had the honor of attending on your behalf as IFC President. Due to the incredible work of all our Board of Directors, Executive Committee, and other volunteer efforts last year, not only did we get the Freedom Amendment passed with an overwhelming majority, but in the process, IFC set the new standard for social media effectiveness across the Second Amendment and civil rights activist community, winning the coveted NRA Outstanding State Association Award for 2022.

While on the subject of NRAAM, here are a few photos of what it’s like sharing the convention center with over 70,000 people on a show floor of over fourteen acres of the newest in guns and gear!

President Roosevelt’s Hunting Rifles

President Roosevelt's Hunting Rifles                             


Apparently the legislators in Indiana did not get Lincoln’s message (below).  Unlike Iowans, who as people of a Free State are not restricted from being able to defend themselves in or around our State Capitol grounds and buildings.



And, of course, two of IFC’s Trusted Partners were in attendance–Both Mountain Man Medical and Firearms Legal Protection!


Legislative Update – Please Take Action Now!

I’ll take a few words to remind you to reach out through our Action Alert System to your State Senators to ask them again to support the Safer Families Act. It’s critically important that you do so today. The surprising thing to us here in IFC leadership is that what looks like common sense to each of us in allowing Iowan’s when and where to choose to protect themselves with lawful weapons, is that some of our long term supporters in the legislature are not listening to the facts. If you want to know the truth go to our past Chairman’s blog on the Safer Families Act here to get the facts. Not the dangerous quack leftist lies on what the bill does and does not do.

And don’t forget to renew or join IFC today in our fight against the anti-freedom left.

Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.

Dave Funk
Iowa Firearms Coalition



“Gun Violence epidemic” is a falsehood.  However, “Gun-Free Zones” is an epidemic.   Violence is not perpetrated by firearms.  If I want to shoot a gun, I must pull the trigger.  Violent criminals will find any means to conduct their violence.  Sometimes, violent criminals use knives, vehicles, rocks, and hammers even, and sometimes they use guns.  Would anyone argue that the driver in Waukesha, WI  who mowed people down at the Christmas parade in 2021 was not a violent criminal?

The problem is the violent criminals – not the guns.  As Dave Funk, IFC President mentioned in a recent IFC blog, frequent knife attacks are occurring in Asia and parts of the UK with increasing frequency where they have outlawed guns:  “…in the United Kingdom, over 37,000 knife attacks had happened in 2021, including many with multiple victims.”  The point is that if a violent criminal wants to commit violence, she or he will use any means to accomplish that.

Consider this: There are over 400 million firearms in the United States and more than 330 million people in this country.  Obviously, not everyone owns a firearm and those who do often own several.  Collectors own lots.  These firearms did not accumulate overnight.  Although there was a spike in firearms sales during the 2020 riots, during COVID, and whenever a Democrat President is elected, most firearms have been in our country for years and years.

Good Guys With Guns

Why all these guns?  These guns are used for hunting, in competitive shooting events, and for self- and home defense.  They are owned by ordinary, law-abiding citizens who value life and do not use them except for those purposes.  Those folks, people like me, sincerely hope that we never have to use our firearms against another human being.  But because we do value life, we train to prepare for that situation, to provide defense for ourselves and our loved ones – or even total strangers.

Pick up any NRA publication, or another trade magazine, and you will find countless stories of violent criminals being STOPPED by a “good guy (or gal) with a gun”.  Sometimes it is not even necessary for the good guy to draw their firearm to effectively defuse a volatile situation; sometimes displaying a firearm is all that is needed to prevent violence.  However, in some situations, when danger is imminent, it IS necessary to fire the weapon to STOP a threat.  If you are ever in such a situation, you will be eternally grateful for the presence of a good guy with a gun.  Just ask the folks who survived the Sutherland Springs Church shooting.

Mass Shootings & Their Relation To “Gun-Free Zones”

Police investigate means, motive, and opportunity, to determine the criminality of a person’s action.  So what makes a violent criminal act on their intentions?  Let’s focus on mass shooting events.   If we set aside gang warfare, for the time being (where status, rank, protection of turf or trade, and lifestyle are the driving factors), why di other murders or attempted murders happen?  What are the common denominators in these types of crimes?

Most mass shooters do not know their victims and do not specifically select their targets.  Their motivation is to kill as many as possible, before dying.  They are staking their sick claim to fame on the lives of those who happen to be in the chosen location.  They want notoriety. That is their motive.  What about opportunity?  They seek out soft targets, specifically “Gun-Free Zones” where they can do mayhem with no resistance.  More than 90% of all mass shootings occur in Gun-Free Zones.  Malls, schools, many places of business, and movie theaters.  All “Gun-Free Zones”.

Let’s take away that opportunity.  Harden our targets where groups of people are at risk.  Eliminate Gun-Free Zones.

Join Iowa Firearms Coalition – Good guys with guns

Winchester 1907 Rifle – Weapon of War?

Winchester 1907 Rifle – Weapon of War?

Was the Winchester Model 1907 a weapon of war, or was it a weapon for hunting?  You guessed it, a weapon for hunting.  …And what characteristics did this venerable rifle contain you ask?  The Winchester Model 1907 was a blowback-operated semi-auto rifle.  This technology has been around for a long time and has worked well for better than a century.  Interestingly, the model 1907 utilized a detachable box magazine in various capacities.  15, 10, and 5-round magazines were the most common.  The designation “1907” came from the year it was designed and produced.  Note, 1907 preceded both World Wars…

I’ve heard this reliable hunting and general use rifle compared to the military M1 Carbine in terms of the basic design and operation features.  With no small irony, the M1 Carbine (designed in 1938) was neither as robust in terms of build, nor as powerful in terms of chambering.  Thus, the general purpose and hunting-oriented Model 1907 was a cut above what the military was using when a fresh buck Private picked up his M1 Carbine.  From my research, it appears the Model 1907 was offered in .351SL, comparable to the modern .35 Remington.

Doesn’t this fly in the face of the “ban weapons of war” nonsense we here touted in the news and from advocates that don’t know their rectum from a rifle?

I really enjoyed reading “A Look Back at the Winchester Model 1907 Rifle” in the American Rifleman a few years back.  Learning about this rifle and the previous designs that led to the Model 1907 was a fun read.  I certainly gained more respect for T.C. Johnson (Thomas Crosely Johnson) and his multiple designs.  He must have been quite a guy.

When we grasp properly the concept and application of the Winchester Model 1907, we understand the whole “weapon of war” is nonsense.  If you can show me a fundamental design and function difference between the 1907 and the AR15, I’d like to learn about it.  Be smart, folks.  Inform yourselves.  And don’t fall for the nonsense you’re being handed.  When the other team is spouting “weapons of war” they’re shoving propaganda down your throat.  Don’t eat it.

In Libertatem,

Michael Ware
IFC Board

Gun-Free Zones: Fish In A Barrel

Gun-Free Zones: Fish In A Barrel

Gun-Free Zones — Fish in a Barrel

With every mass shooting, there is an understandable outcry to “do something” to prevent additional loss of life.  This is a natural human response by normal people who do not want carnage in the streets, malls, theatres, or schools.  Often, that response includes the establishment of more Gun-Free Zones.  But what effect do Gun-Free Zones really have?

What about the criminals who do not react like normal people?  The criminal who is intent on creating a horrific spectacle?  The loser who desperately wants his 15 minutes of fame?  The gang member who wants to prove himself to the gang?  To these people, a Gun-Free Zone is NOT a deterrent.  It is an opportunity and an invitation to go shoot people – like fish in a barrel – without the risk of engaging in a firefight.  Why is that?  Because only law-abiding citizens will respect the “Gun-Free Zone” sign–criminals do NOT!  Gun-Free zones create soft targets..

Shortly after New York implemented additional Gun-Free zones in response to the Bruen decision, there was a mass shooting in Times Square.  The New York Times quoted a retired police inspector, Tom Harris, about that shooting.  He said, “A gun-free zone is not going to stop a criminal from carrying a gun”. New York Times article

In Larry Corrieia’s widely acclaimed book In Defense of the Second Amendment, he says, “Gun-free zones are hunting preserves for innocent people.  Period.”  He goes on: “So where’s the best place to go shoot all these people? Obviously, someplace where nobody can shoot back.”  He states that “gun-free zones serve no action point, and when bad things happen, they directly contribute to the body count”.

How Many Shootings Are in Gun-Free Zones?

So, let’s look at the numbers.  How many of these mass shootings occur in Gun-Free Zones?  The number is staggering.  According to the Crime Prevention Research Center:  98% of mass shootings occur in Gun-Free Zones!  See the 2/22/18 report in the Daily Wire article

In October 2015, John Lott Jr. reported that since 1950, there were only two mass shootings in the U.S. that occurred in areas that were not Gun-Free zones.   “According to the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC), only a little over 1% of mass shootings since 1950 occurred outside of a gun-free zone”:  GunTalk article

Arm yourself with the facts for those difficult conversations with folks who are absolutely certain that Gun-Free Zones are the answer to mass shootings.  If you want to dive deep into this subject, there is an hour-long video presentation by John Lott  on YouTube: John Lott Presentation regarding Gun-Free Zones

Iowa Firearms Coalition is working hard to protect your Second Amendment rights.  Join IFC – IFC will keep you informed about pending legislation (2A-friendly bills and other bills that threaten your rights).  IFC will help you lobby your legislators and even provide pre-written letters to your legislators when it helps focus on a particularly time-sensitive issue.  IFC provides relevant content for all gun owners (hunters, competitive shooters, and those who carry for self-defense) with news about industry trends, manufacturers, and firearms experts, weekly “Warrior Wednesday” videos featuring a wide range of topics, and prominent guests.  Learn more here: Iowa Firearms Coalition

The Safer Families Act of 2023

The Safer Families Act of 2023

The Safer Families Act – HSB173

Below is an explanation of the House Study Bill IFC has been working on with House Members for months.  IFC would like to see several changes to HSB173 from its current state.  We’re looking forward to amendments that will correct and strengthen this vital legislation.  Don’t misunderstand, we’re excited to see our bill move forward, but it does require corrections before we can fully support it.  IFC has registered “UNDECIDED” on HSB173 at this time. IFC continues to work on this bill on a daily basis.  We need the cooperation of the Legislature to fix the few problems in this bill and we’re excited to move this forward!



This division incorporates the provisions of the “Employee Privacy Act” that IFC has advocated for in past years, protecting the jobs of Iowans who choose to make the lawful and moral choice to carry a defensive firearm. It prohibits employers – public or private – from firing employees who lawfully possess firearms or ammunition in their locked private vehicles in the employer’s parking areas. It includes some liability protections for employers. The division also will allow such firearm storage in vehicles on the publicly accessible, non-secured parking lots of correctional facilities. That is currently against Iowa law.

Division II


This division is the “School Parking Lot” bill for which IFC has lobbied hard for several years. It will allow persons who possess a valid Permit to Carry Weapons to have a concealed pistol or revolver in their vehicle while dropping off or picking up a person or item from a school, so long as the firearm remains inside the vehicle and the vehicle remains on the driveways and parking areas of the school.

This division also provides that a driver of school transportation may allow firearms on a school bus or other school transportation vehicle when authorized or directed to do so by the school. (In other words, current law is being changed to allow for armed school security to accompany students on field trips, to athletic events, etc.)

Finally, certain retired law enforcement personnel will now be allowed to carry firearms at schools.



This division will bar state universities and community colleges from adopting or enforcing any policy or rule that prohibits the carrying, transportation, or possession of any dangerous weapon, as defined in Iowa Code 702.7, in a personal vehicle on the grounds of such a college or university if the dangerous weapon is not visible from the outside of the vehicle and such carrying, transportation, or possession is not otherwise unlawful.



This division will prohibit insurers from denying property and casualty insurance coverage to schools on the basis that the school has authorized a person or persons to be armed at the school. (IFC notes that the Spirit Lake and Cherokee school districts have already been threatened with loss of insurance coverage since announcing last year their intent to train and arm staff members.)



This division fixes the potential “manner of conveyance” problem that cropped up after the adoption of permitless carry. This repeals an old hunting law – and the associated fine for violation – that required long guns to be unloaded and cased or broken down in a vehicle on a public highway. There was a general belief that having a permit to carry provided an exception to this law, though that was probably never actually the case.



After seeing significant last-minute changes to this division, IFC asked that it be deleted before filing. That request came too late for the Legislative Services Agency to react. Because this division and Division VII remain in the bill (for the time being) IFC has been forced to declare as “Undecided” on HSB173.

As filed, this division is a mess – and the meager remains of what was a lengthy and well-considered division that greatly altered Iowa Code 724. The current text seems to be a result of a drafting error by the Legislative Services Agency. As written, it fixes nothing and causes new problems.

The original language would have corrected a significant single-word error in HF756, the 2021 bill that repealed the requirement for a permit to carry weapons. It also would have eliminated some unintended consequences of that bill and would have better aligned Iowa’s weapons laws with the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark Second Amendment decision in the Bruen case.

It is vital that, at the very least, those technical corrections be reinserted into HSB173. IFC will lobby strongly for that result.


IFC also asked that this division be deleted before filing. This division originally barred the Iowa State Fair Board from prohibiting the otherwise lawful concealed carry of any weapon at the Iowa State Fair, including in the buildings. That language was removed and what replaced it is of no help to Iowans who wish to protect themselves and their families at the Fair and while traveling to and from the Fair. In fact, this now merely puts into Iowa Code the present situation, which is that the Fair has its own police force and has set up (far less than effective thus far) screening for weapons at the entrances to the Fair. IFC will not support this language. It needs to be deleted or significantly amended.



This division merely deletes a large amount of confusing and unnecessary language from the Code sections regulating carrying of firearms on ATVs and snowmobiles. It is generally lawful for Iowans to carry firearms on these vehicles. The general ban on discharging a firearm from such a vehicle will remain in place.



This division lifts the state’s ban on carrying firearms on the premises of licensed gambling facilities. It does not prevent a licensee from prohibiting firearms on their property.