The Miracle of Easter, Not “Happy” Easter

The Miracle of Easter, Not “Happy” Easter

As I wrote on Good Friday, I’m given, or more accurately, TAKE some liberties with blogging on rare occasions here at IFC.  If you author a few hundred blogs, the single-issue advocates within IFC will give you an occasional pass when you depart, for good reason, from the core mission.  Similar to what I wrote on Friday, nothing is more central to our cause than a right understanding of the nature of good and evil.  Those foundational concepts come from only one place.  In case you haven’t considered it, they don’t come from the natural world.  Good and evil are not represented in nature.

In keeping with Easter, let’s drop the “happy” part of our address to others.  The word “happy” really doesn’t quite do it, does it?  What happy thoughts do we have about having enthusiastically murdered the Messiah?  None.  Can we have happy thoughts about Him having risen from the dead?  Yup.  But I hope our emotion and energy surpass the word “happy” when we reflect.  😉

To think thoroughly and with devotion could nearly be indescribable.  But Charles Spurgeon offers a glimpse into my contemplation with this:

This, then, is the doctrine of the resurrection. We do not believe–at least I do not–that law has been rudely violated in one extraordinary and unparalleled episode. We believe that a universal law of life, overmastering death, and always superior to it, has had once a visible witness.

-Charles Spurgeon

Let that sink in, and then find a suitable replacement for the “happy” part of Easter my friends…  <3

In Libertatem,

Michael Ware – IFC Board Member

Good Friday

Good Friday

Good Friday!  As a board member, writer, and general antagonist to my fellow IFC volunteers, I’m given latitude to blog about things not specifically part of our mission and a single issue advocacy group.  However, I find nothing more central to our mission, as Christians, than the proper understanding of the Gospel.  With that premise, I offer you this short excerpt from Spurgeon:

“I slew him—this right hand struck the dagger to his heart. My deeds slew Christ. Alas! I slew my best beloved; I killed him who loved me with an everlasting love. Oh eyes, why do you refuse to weep when you see Jesus’ body mangled and torn? Give vent to your sorrow, Christians, for you have good reason to do so.”

adapted from “The Tomb of Jesus” by Charles Spurgeon

We were all part of the destruction of the Messiah regardless of being physically present.  The weight associated with the freely offered gift of salvation ought to stir thought and emotion from each of us.  May we all ponder and reflect, for we all inhabit an afterlife – each of us lives forever.  …Somewhere.  Think about that.

In Libertatem,

Michael Ware – IFC Board

Why is the Gadsden Flag Plate Important in Iowa?

Why is the Gadsden Flag Plate Important in Iowa?

The Gadsden Flag Plate is important in Iowa for two simple reasons.  1, Iowans want it.  2, As designed it’ll fund vital local 2A programs.

HF2639sailed through the Iowa House with a great deal of enthusiasm.  Even during floor debate, Democrats came to offer the rich history of the “join us” mantra the Gadsden flag represented in the formation and keeping of this fledgling nation.

What we want and need:

  • A Gadsden plate, much like the other dozen+ in America that adequately relays over to an oppressive government, “DON’T TREAD ON ME”
  • The funding stream should be left as the original content and context and can be used for 2A education, scholarships, grants, information, action, etc.

What we DO NOT want and need:

  • A change to a sticker away from the full plate design is silly.  Nobody wants that.  Nobody will buy that.  The LSA predicted 3000+ plates in circulation in just the first year.  IFC hears a ton of enthusiasm for this plate.  Why?  Because we explained the bill content and it goes to the heart of the matter, not something else.
  • Those who value the historical symbolism of “Don’t Tread On Me” are unlikely to be eager to see their $50 upcharge go to some ill-defined GOVERNMENT program.  Not only did the Iowa House pass this bill, but the public has been told all along what the funding would do and how it would be used.  They’re clamoring to spend the money on them.  Let them do it.

Additional thoughts:




Unserious Dangerous Quacks. As many of you know, I love referring to our opposition as dangerous quacks. Nothing points out how those leftists have twisted themselves into knots over their ever-changing definitions of things. 

It wasn’t that long ago when in her confirmation hearing (now) Justice Jackson-Brown could not define what a woman is.  When asked that question, she answered: “I’m not a biologist”. Just a few days ago, she stated that a bump-stock increased the rate of fire of an AR15 to 800 rounds per second!

But it gets even worse with those Leftist Dangerous Quacks. A national treasure, Senator John Kennedy from Louisiana, took apart federal Judge Nancy Maldonado when he asked her to define an assault weapon.

“You said, ‘Assault weapons may be banned because they’re extraordinarily dangerous and are not appropriate for legitimate self-defense purposes’. Tell me what you meant by assault weapons? “

Judge Maldonado did everything she could to not answer that question, despite having signed a Legal Brief on the issue years before in her role as an anti-gun activist!

You can see the entire exchange here on X.

This is just one more example of it being time to end the Chevron Deference ruling that allows the courts to defer to “reasonable” agency interpretation of ambiguous federal statutes.  It is high time to start calling out the absurd idea that unelected government experts be given authority over everyday Americans. Or, for that matter, Federal Judges with no idea about the subject matter over which they rule.

Elections have consequences.  Let’s push the anti-gun and anti-freedom leftists out of power this November.

Iowa Legislative Update

We have passed the second funnel. Our priorities, both The Students First Safety Act and the Gadsden Flag Iowa license plates bills are still sitting in the Iowa Senate awaiting action. Please keep the pressure on your Senators through the IFC Action Alert System on these two bills.

Help us defend all Iowan’s rights by joining or renewing your IFC membership here today. And please stay Ready at All Times

Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.

Dave Funk
Iowa Firearms Coalition


Law Enforcement Support

Law Enforcement Support

Law Enforcement Support for Students First Safety Act

Law Enforcement support for the Students First Safety Act was announced by Cedar County Sheriff Warren Wethington on Thursday, March 21st. The Sheriff asked the Senate to PASS the Students First Safety Act to increase school safety.

Warren Wethington

The Sheriff publicly called on Iowa’s State Senators to pass the Students First Safety Act, HF2586. The bill is supported by the Iowa Firearms Coalition (IFC).

Sheriff Wethington understands that it will take time for officers to respond in the event of a school shooting.  He says:

“It is impossible for Iowa’s peace officers to be everywhere at all times and our state’s students and staff must be better protected,” said Wethington. “I fully support the Students First Safety Act and I call on lawmakers in the Senate to pass it now. Our children can’t afford to wait any longer.”


The Students First Safety Act, which passed the Iowa house overwhelmingly in February, will allow for specially trained armed staff to carry firearms on school grounds. The training requirements are extensive. The Cedar County Gazette published this article about the bill on February 29th. The legislation further includes provisions that provide a path forward for school districts seeking to safeguard their campuses with the ability to obtain insurance.

Two school districts in northwest Iowa had worked to implement armed staff in 2023 but cancelled plans once Des Moines-based EMC insurance notified the districts that their insurance policies would not be renewed if their plans went into effect.

IFC President Dave Funk had this to say:

“We are grateful Sheriff Wethington is taking a public stand in support of school safety. As the recent act of evil at Perry High School proved, evil can happen anywhere. The only proven way to save lives when evil strikes is to have good people who are willing and able to respond quickly.”

The Iowa Firearms Coalition, Iowa’s official NRA State Association, is a 501(c4) nonprofit and is Iowa’s only effective pro-Second Amendment rights organization.

For further comment, please contact:
Sheriff Warren Wethington
or —
John McLaughlin, IFC Chair

Contact Your Senator

Please contact your State Senator directly to ask them to PASS HF2586, the Students First Safety Act. To send a pre-written email, Take Action HERE. On that same page, on the right-hand side, you can enter your zip code and address to look up your Senator, if you prefer to call them.

Second Amendment Matters